Solar Lights

We successfully installed hundreds+ project of Solar street lights to societies, industries & factory. It is zero maintenance and eco-friendly solar lights for outdoor road. As a leading Solar street lights manufacturer in Gujarat. Solar Street light automatically turns ON/OFF depending on the light intensity. Lights or lamps switched ON when darkness is detected and is switched OFF when light is detected. This features helps saving the human and material resources. We are Professional who have experience of 21 years in manufacturing solar energy product, installation of solar project in pan India. We also design custom solution requirements, smart solar product according to the clients needs.

Solar Street Lights (CFL / LED)
Solar radiation are fall on Photovoltaic Cell, convert sunlight directly in to electricity. A solar PV cell consists of semi conducting material that absorbs the sunlight. The solar energy knocks electrons looser from them atoms, allowing them to flow through the material to produce electricity. PV cell are typically combined into modules. These modules are mounted in PV arrays. PV arrays can be used to generate electricity. Solar products,renewable energy are the future technology on which world is moving now days. It is not only beneficial for the mother earth but also beneficial in electricity bills cost cutting. Investment in solar products are rewarding investment in the long time.

Solar Lights

We successfully installed hundreds+ project of Solar street lights to societies, industries & factory. It is zero maintenance and eco-friendly solar lights for outdoor road. As a leading Solar street lights manufacturer in Gujarat. Solar Street light automatically turns ON/OFF depending on the light intensity. Lights or lamps switched ON when darkness is detected and is switched OFF when light is detected. This features helps saving the human and material resources. We are Professional who have experience of 21 years in manufacturing solar energy product, installation of solar project in pan India. We also design custom solution requirements, smart solar product according to the clients needs.

Solar Street Lights (CFL / LED)
Solar radiation are fall on Photovoltaic Cell, convert sunlight directly in to electricity. A solar PV cell consists of semi conducting material that absorbs the sunlight. The solar energy knocks electrons looser from them atoms, allowing them to flow through the material to produce electricity. PV cell are typically combined into modules. These modules are mounted in PV arrays. PV arrays can be used to generate electricity. Solar products,renewable energy are the future technology on which world is moving now days. It is not only beneficial for the mother earth but also beneficial in electricity bills cost cutting. Investment in solar products are rewarding investment in the long time.

The Energy

That Is Sourceable

The energy that is sourceable, free and healthy. Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis.

How We Work

Our Project Work Flow Process

Government Approval

Government Approval

Site Survey & Design

Site Survey & Design

Purchase Of Material

Purchase Of Material



Operation & Maintenance

Operation & Maintenance

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