Solar Panel Installation

Solar Panel Installation

we install solar panel systems in accordance with all local laws and regulations. We start by evaluating your roof to see if its size, slope and direction can support solar panels.
Assured Quality And Service

Assured Quality And Service

We offer quality and service to our customers and we can quickly and efficiently create solutions that provide added value for them.
Remove & Replacement Panels

Remove & Replacement Panels

Once you determine that your solar panels need to be removed, its important to understand what's involved in getting your PV Solar system back on your roof in compliance with the current building and electrical codes.
Smart Solution

Smart Solution

We provide smart solutions to the business world.
PPA Model Service

PPA Model Service

A Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) secures the payment stream for a Build-Own Transfer (BOT) or concession project for an independent power plant (IPP).
Best Component Selection

Best Component Selection

There are multiple components to the entire system, with many brands to choose from for each. These brands can offer some very unique and advantages and often make a system’s ability to perform as expected.

Solar Professionals That Care

We’re a team of highly dedicated solar specialists whose main focus is helping homeowner’s who’ve gone solar make sure they get the most out of their solar decision. We applaud those homeowner’s who’ve made the switch and we are dedicated to making sure your system works to capacity and meets your expectations for decades to come.

We offer a broad range of solar services for residential, industrial and commercial purposes.


Our Residential Solar Services take pride in offering the highest quality products and services to residential areas.


Our Commercial Solar Services is equip of cutting-edge technology that helps you and your solar system monitor and maintain its maximum performance.

The short answer is, yes.

To understand why, though, takes a little bit more analysis. The thing about solar is that it’s a long-term investment. It’s like you’re pre-paying your electricity costs all upfront and then you’re reaping the benefits for years to come.

With solar, you purchase a system that is capable of generating the electricity you use (or at least a percentage of what you use). That portion of your electric bill is then taken care of for at least the next 25 years and most likely 30 or 40 years.

Solar power pricing has been on a steady decline for the last few years.

By some estimates, prices have fallen over 99% compared to where they were 10 years ago. Manufacturers achieving economies of scale, the 26% solar tax credit, and improvements in technology have led to lower pricing.

Solar power can be stored in batteries. This is done in systems that are grid-tied with battery backups and in off-grid solar systems.

With this approach, the panels convert the sun’s energy into DC power, which then travels into the batteries and is stored until the home uses the energy. This makes it possible to operate independently of the utility grid.

Yes! One of the common misconceptions about solar power is that you run only certain items with the power that is produced.

While this may be the case with off-grid systems, grid-tied systems, like the ones Simple Solar installs, do not provide power to specific devices. Instead, it simply a percentage of the electricity that your entire house uses.

For example, you could offset 10%, 50% or even 100% of your monthly electrical usage.